About Me

Stephanie is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor specializing in individual therapy and maintains a private practice in Exeter, New Hampshire. She has over ten years experience as a professional counselor and is a graduate of Lesley University.


Lesley University, MA Counseling Psychology, Professional Counseling Specialization

License & Certifications:

NH Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (License # 1196)

MA Licensed Mental Health Counselor (License # 9382)

National Certified Counselor

Additional Training

Toward an Integrated Practice of Psychotherapy, Institute for Existential-Psychoanalytic Training (a seminar exploring the relationship between existential philosophy and psychoanalytic theory with an emphasis on relational aspects of therapy)

Heidegger's Being and Time: A reading group for therapists, Institute for Existential-Psychoanalytic Training (a seminar relating Heidegger's philosophical work with our practice as therapists)

Professional Activities and Memberships:

American Counseling Association

New England Center for Existential Therapies

New Hampshire Mental Health Counselors Association

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